Some new stuff, have not had much time the last year. Most importantly though, the genesis of the UBPM database structure builds on all platforms(postgres, mySQL, SQL server, DB2 and Oracle).
Editor for XML SQL structures:
So first, I have created a web based editor for the XML SQL structures. Behold.
It resides in the Q_N_D-folder, which means that it is quick and dirty, something built to be able to move forward. However, it had to have some..
- Ability to store(and load) the resulting data files centrally(preferrably within the source tree).
- Functionality to build upgrade files for the upgrades.
- It had to be easy to also make stand-alone statements.
It uses cherryPy for the backend and Genshi for templating, a really nice and lightweight framework indeed.
The database
Using that, I have finally stumbled into what for me is far more familiar ground, database design.
I have created an upgrade script that creates the first parts of the Unified BPM database structure(stuff like a tree, rights, users, languages).
The database will store the persistent structural data in a central tree.
Its meta data will be stored in one of three different ways, depending on what suits the specific entity considering simplicity, flexibility and performance.
The data models:
- Relational:
This is the usual way people store data, with sub tables detailing the nodes in the tree. - EAV(Entity-Attribute-Value):
Instead of having many subtables, everything is stored in one table. If one doesn't want to use variants, one uses one table per data type. In reality, however, that doesn't matter as much, as database engines nowadays store data in a far more intelligent manner, so it could actually be SLOWER to NOT use variants. How about that, strongly typing advocates? - XML:
Actually similar to to EAV in many modern database implementations, where XML is its own data type which can be queried just like a table structure. However, UBPM will not use any these implementations however cool they are. UBPM will only store the XML as strings.
The reason is that 1) all those implementations are proprietary and would be hell to generalize and 2) that it is not the point. XML data will be used to allow for freely structured storage...that is somewhat structured. If you know what I mean. An example would be a 3rd party kind of data.
In conclusion
It now seems that most of the surprisingly large technical hurdles in dealing with multiple database platforms has been negotiated. Now it is just a matter of expanding the support for more of the SQL standard. But the next in line, like ALTER TABLE and UPDATE are quite easy and contains the same elements as the already implemented.
Also, my self-educational goals up till now has been met as well, I have learned quite a lot.
From here on, if feels like it should be a far more straight forward matter of comparatively simply building the system. I suspect the multi-platform deployment will create problems, however I will simply not try to generalize between windows and linux installations. It will basically be completely different solutions.