Jul 25, 2010

More frustration and extremism.

Ok. In my last post I ranted about ranting about limitations in a specific database.
But sometimes, developers don't give a sh*t on how the users actually want to use the system they make.
Rather, they go to extreme lengths explaining why the user should do it another way instead.
Even though the users obviously don't want to do it that way.

For example, I am implementing column defaults in the DAL, and have finall gotten do make it work for MySQL.
What is the most usual default value? To me, and in all databases I have seen so far it is the current date and time.

I haven't thought about it much until now, since I had seen the TIMESTAMP datatype being used for that in MySQL.

I did not, however, consider that DEFAULT (Now()) wasn't even supported, since functions aren't allowed as default values!
So I will have to use another datatype, the afore mentioned timestamp, which I will transform into DATETIME DEFAULT (GETDATE()) when needed.
However, timestamp is completely inflexible, and have a different start date than the normal date time. So, it sucks and probably has to be handled separately later on.
But, screw everyting, I'll use it for now.

See http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=27645 for the reeaally long discussion.

Since many FOSS-systems, like mine, puts huge efforts in being database-agnostic, it is extremely annoying that the databases don't try meeting up the other way.
Like the stupid reasoning in the Oracle camp for not shortcutting auto incrementation for the condescending reason of teaching users how to do things properly.

The only database that seems to be fairly balanced, and doesn't create any significant problems for me, is PostgreSQL.

Now it seems that I am letting MSSQL off easy. But of course, MSSQL has the dubious advantage of almost not being designed at all, thus allowing for practically everything thrown on it at this the most basic level of database development.
It's when it gets advanced that MSSQL comes back and bites you like you've never been bitten with it's partial implementations. The insane PARTITION BY limitations almost killed me, for example.
That said, on this level it works well.


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